2.3. Database initialization
You can use pgAdmin to access and manage the database server.
By clicking the link you can learn how to Install pgAdmin
2.3.1. Process
In pgAdmin4
Connect to the database server
Create a new database with UTF8 encoding (e.g. tdh_prod). Restore demo datamodel
Restore the latest data model that also includes demo data:
Download demo data * https://github.com/teksi/district_heating/releases/latest * download tdh_vx.y.z_structure_and_demo_data.backup
Back in pgAdmin :
Right click the tdh_prod database
Click Restore
Load your download of tdh_vx.y.z_structure_and_demo_data.backup
Click the Restore Options Tab and check these options
Click Restore
Check whether in Message window Restoring backup on the server is successfully completed.
If the Restore is failed and the detail reads something like « pg_restore: [archiver] unsupported version (1.13) in file header » or in German « pg_restore: [Archivierer] nicht unterstützte Version (1.13) im Dateikopf » try updating your PostgreSQL, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49064209/getting-archiver-unsupported-version-1-13-in-file-header-when-running-pg-r
Close the Restoring-Window
Right click the database and click Refresh

Propably you want to rename the database: Right click the database, click Properties… and rename the database.
There are now 6 schemas in the database
tdh_vl Create minimal roles and access
The TDH roles are defined in the
12_0_roles.sql (per cluster) and
12_1_roles.sql (per database) files.
It is recommended to use these when using TDH in a production environment.
Copy paste and run the two .sql one after the other in the query editor of pgAdmin (Tools > Query Tool). Empty data model
You also have the option to restore the latest empty data model (no demo data).
Download the data model by going to https://github.com/teksi/district_heating/releases/latest and by downloading the latest tdh_vx.y.z_structure_with_value_lists.sql.
If you run the sql in a SQL query Window, you will get an error. You have to use a BAT-File.
Use a BAT-File like that, to create the database, the extensions and the schemas with valuelist (replace x.y.z with your version):
@echo off set filename="tdh_vx.y.z_structure_with_value_lists.sql" if not exist %filename% ( echo "File %filename% does not exist. Please download the latest datamodel from https://github.com/TDH/datamodel/releases (structure_with_value_lists.sql) and adjust filename in this batch file." PAUSE exit -1 ) set /p db="Please enter the database name? (e.g. tdh_community) " set /p password="Please enter the password for user postgres? " set port=5432 set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin set PGPASSWORD=%password% createdb -U postgres -p %port% %db% psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -f %filename% psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO ""tdh""" psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tdh_vl TO ""tdh""" psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tdh_od TO ""tdh""" psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA tdh_sys TO ""tdh""" psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tdh_od TO ""tdh"""; psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tdh_vl TO ""tdh"""; psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA tdh_sys TO ""tdh"""; psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO ""tdh""" psql -U postgres -h localhost -p %port% -d %db% -c "GRANT USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA tdh_od TO ""tdh""" PAUSE
You are free to choose any database name.
Update privileges for the tdh_od, tdh_sys, tdh_vl schema as described in the chapter Create minimal roles and access. Generate the data model under Linux
You can also generate the data model under Linux.
Download the data model:
git clone https://github.com/TDH/datamodel cd datamodel
Setup the
file and add thepg_tdh
service as in the Linux/macOS pg_service section.Create the database:
psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE tdh;'
Run the generation script:
If you want to use a different SRID you need to use the -s
For instance, run ./scripts/db_setup.sh -s 2056
for the 2056 SRID.
If you already have a data model and you want to force the regeneration
of the model you can also use the -f
option: ./scripts/db_setup.sh -f
You can use the -r
option to add roles (tdh_viewer
, tdh_user
, tdh_manager
, tdh_sysadmin
Viewer: Can consult tables and views.
User: Can edit data.
Manager: Can edit data and value lists.
Admin: Database administrator.