.. _Mapping: Mapping ======= .. _mapping-not-imported: Results are not imported in TWW -------------------------------- Use processing tool ``join attributes`` to add the results stored in the tables ``Node summary`` and ``Link summary`` to the tables ``tww_od.vw_wastewater_node`` and ``tww_od.vw_tww_reach``. The mapping should be done on the attribute ``obj_id`` of the ``tww_od`` tables and the attribute ``id`` of the summary tables. .. figure:: images/map_link_summary.jpg .. figure:: images/map_node_summary.jpg .. _mapping-imported: Results are imported in TWW ---------------------------- * Add the layers tww_swmm.node_results and / or tww_swmm.link_results to your QGIS project * Filter by the name of the simulation and the name of the parameter to show: Right click on the layer > filter > Expression: ``"swmm_simulation_name" = 'name of the simulation AND "swmm_parameter" = 'inflow'`` Two template QGIS files are provided in the plugin folder ``src\swmm_templates\*.qgs`` The project ``swmm_summary.qgs`` show how the summary indicators can be loaded in QGIS. The project ``swmm_full_report.qgs`` show how the full time series can be loaded in QGIS. You will need to adapt the services and the filters. Show the indicators evolving along time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This manipulation only works with complete times series. Namely, you need to import the full results and not only the summary. **Play the simulation with Time Manager** * Install / activate the plugin *Time Manager* * Parameter > Add a layer * Start time: time * End time: Same as start * Time frame size: Same as the swmm export time step .. figure:: images/time_manager_add_layer.jpg .. figure:: images/time_manager_inflow_example.gif **Plot values along the time with DataPlotly** * Install / activate the plugin *DataPlotly* * Graph type: *Scatter Plot* * Activate: *Use only selected features* * Choose the layer * Field X: *time* * Field Y: *value* * Marker type: *Line* * Select the object that you want to plot: every nodes or links with the same id (you can select them from the map or from the table). .. figure:: images/DataPlotly_parameters.jpg .. figure:: images/DataPlotly_plot.png