Orphan Tables
update_catchment_area_totals(_obj_id text, _all boolean DEFAULT false)
BEGIN REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW tww_app.vw_catchment_area_totals_aggregated WITH DATA; WITH ca AS ( SELECT obj_id , fk_special_building_ww_current AS fk_log_card , surface_area AS f_current , discharge_coefficient_ww_current/100*surface_area AS fred_current , seal_factor_ww_current/100*surface_area AS fimp_current , population_density_current*surface_area AS pop_current -- , sewer_infiltration_water_production_current AS q_inf_current -- , waste_water_production_current AS q_ww_current , NULL::numeric AS f_dim , NULL::numeric AS fred_dim , NULL::numeric AS fimp_dim , NULL::numeric AS pop_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_dim FROM tww_od.catchment_area WHERE catchment_area.fk_special_building_ww_current IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT obj_id , fk_special_building_rw_current AS fk_log_card , CASE WHEN fk_special_building_ww_current = fk_special_building_rw_current THEN 0 else surface_area END AS f_current , discharge_coefficient_rw_current/100*surface_area AS fred_current , seal_factor_rw_current/100*surface_area AS fimp_current , NULL::numeric AS pop_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_current , NULL::numeric AS f_dim , NULL::numeric AS fred_dim , NULL::numeric AS fimp_dim , NULL::numeric AS pop_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_dim FROM tww_od.catchment_area WHERE catchment_area.fk_special_building_rw_current IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT obj_id , fk_special_building_ww_planned AS fk_log_card , NULL::numeric AS f_current , NULL::numeric AS fred_current , NULL::numeric AS fimp_current , NULL::numeric AS pop_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_current , surface_area AS f_dim , discharge_coefficient_ww_planned/100*surface_area AS fred_dim , seal_factor_ww_planned/100*surface_area AS fimp_dim , population_density_planned*surface_area AS pop_dim -- , sewer_infiltration_water_production_planned AS q_inf_dim -- , waste_water_production_planned AS q_ww_dim FROM tww_od.catchment_area WHERE catchment_area.fk_special_building_ww_planned IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT obj_id , fk_special_building_rw_planned AS fk_log_card , NULL::numeric AS f_current , NULL::numeric AS fred_current , NULL::numeric AS fimp_current , NULL::numeric AS pop_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_current -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_current , CASE WHEN fk_special_building_ww_planned = fk_special_building_rw_planned THEN 0 else surface_area END AS f_dim , discharge_coefficient_rw_planned/100*surface_area AS fred_dim , seal_factor_rw_current/100*surface_area AS fimp_dim , NULL::numeric AS pop_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_inf_dim -- , NULL::numeric AS q_ww_dim FROM tww_od.catchment_area WHERE catchment_area.fk_special_building_rw_planned IS NOT NULL ) UPDATE tww_od.catchment_area_totals cat SET population = ca_agg.pop_current , population_dim = ca_agg.pop_dim , sewer_infiltration_water = ca_agg.q_inf_current , surface_area = ca_agg.f_current , surface_dim = ca_agg.f_dim , surface_red = ca_agg.fred_current , surface_red_dim = ca_agg.fred_dim , surface_imp = ca_agg.fimp_current , surface_imp_dim = ca_agg.fimp_dim , waste_water_production = ca_agg.q_ww_current --, ag96_sewer_infiltration_water_dim = ca_agg.q_inf_dim --, ag96_waste_water_production_dim = ca_agg.q_ww_dim FROM ( SELECT cat.obj_id , SUM(f_current) as f_current , SUM(fred_current) as fred_current , SUM(fimp_current) as fimp_current , SUM(pop_current) as pop_current , aggr.sewer_infiltration_water as q_inf_current , aggr.waste_water_production as q_ww_current , SUM(f_dim) as f_dim , SUM(fred_dim) as fred_dim , SUM(fimp_dim) as fimp_dim , SUM(pop_dim) as pop_dim , aggr.sewer_infiltration_water_dim as q_inf_dim , aggr.waste_water_production_dim as q_ww_dim FROM ca LEFT JOIN tww_od.log_card lc_1 ON ca.fk_log_card::text = lc_1.obj_id::text LEFT JOIN tww_od.log_card main_lc ON main_lc.obj_id::text = lc_1.fk_main_structure::text LEFT JOIN tww_od.wastewater_node wn ON main_lc.fk_pwwf_wastewater_node::text = wn.obj_id::text LEFT JOIN tww_od.hydraulic_char_data hcd ON hcd.fk_wastewater_node::text = wn.obj_id::text AND hcd.status = 6372 LEFT JOIN tww_od.catchment_area_totals cat ON hcd.obj_id::text = cat.fk_hydraulic_char_data::text LEFT JOIN tww_app.vw_catchment_area_totals_aggregated aggr ON aggr.obj_id = cat.obj_id GROUP BY cat.obj_id , aggr.sewer_infiltration_water , aggr.waste_water_production , aggr.sewer_infiltration_water_dim , aggr.waste_water_production_dim)ca_agg WHERE cat.obj_id=ca_agg.obj_id ; END