4.4. INTERLIS Data exchange

This represents a guide on how to import/export data between TWW and INTERLIS 2 Transfer Format (XTF).

4.4.1. General

The TWW plugin includes an experimental interlis import/export feature. It is currently capable of importing and exporting the following models:: * SIA405_ABWASSER_2020_1_LV95 * DSS_2020_1_LV95 * VSA_KEK_2020_1_LV95

Note that currently, exports are possible in German only. Translated exports are on the roadmap, let us know if you are interested in this feature.

4.4.2. Prerequisites Java

You need java on your system.

Windows : Java for windows download MacOS : Java for MacOS download Linux : use the package manager Python libraries

You need sqlalchemy and geoalchemy2.

To install : before launching QGIS, open OSGeo4W Shell


and type:

>>> pip3 install "sqlalchemy~=1.3.22" "geoalchemy2>=0.9.0"

If the command fails, try:

>>> pip3 install --upgrade pip


If pip cannot be found, make sure you’ve installed the python3-pip package using the OSGeo4W network installer (if you’ve installed the standalone version of QGIS, it should be included).

If this command still fails, try:

>>> pip3 install --target=c:\somewhere\other\than\the\default --upgrade pip

where c:\somewhere\other\than\the\default is the path to your current pip package

The same –target flag can be added to install sqlalchemy and geoalchemy2 in another location. TWW Version

The export only supports up-to-date TWW datamodel (1.5.6 at the time of writing). Ensure your datamodel is fully updated before trying to import/export.

4.4.3. Usage (GUI) Enable admin mode

In the plugin>TWW>settings dialog, under the Developer options tab, ensure Admin mode is enabled. Restart QGIS.


You should now see new import and export buttons in the TWW toolbar.

../../_images/toolbar.png Export

To export your TWW data, click on the export button. The following dialog will appear.


At first, select the export model.

If you have an active selection in the nodes and/or reaches layer, you can choose to restrict the export to that selection. This is especially useful in combination with the upstream/downstream selection tools.

The export tools is capable of exporting label positions for different scales. You can choose which scales you are interested in exporting by selected/deselecting them.

Then, confirm the dialog and choose where to save the .xtf file.


Note that windows file pathes with empty strings in the directory path or filename are not supported at the moment.


Note that for large/full exports, the command can take a long time.


Note that QGIS standard behaviour for too long labels is to turn them horizontally (orientation = 0). You can adjust the properties of the vw_tww_reach layer - Symbology - Placement - Label overrun from “no overrun” to e.g. 7 mm (Millimeter)



Note that remark fields are truncated to 80 characters on INTERLIS Export, as the INTERLIS definition is like this. If you have remark fields with more text then consider to move this data to documentation with the classes “file” and “data_media” so it can be exported to INTERLIS completely where you can add any document, photo or video to a class.

Exports include a validation step using ilivalidator, which will inform you whether the export contains validation error. Import

To import xtf`files, click on the `import button and navigate to the .xtf file.


Note that windows file pathes with empty strings in the directory path or filename are not supported at the moment.

The following dialog will appear.


The left part of this dialog lists all elements that are going to be imported from the .xtf file, allowing to review what is going to be imported and to deselect elements you may want to skip. It also shows the validation status of each object, showing whether further action is needed (INVALID) or recommended (WARNING) prior to importing.

The right part of this dialog shows a form specific to the type of element selected in the list, allowing to adapt the import. For instance, it allows to attach “examinations” to their pipes.

Once you’re happy with the import options, confirm the dialog to persist the changes to your database.

4.4.4. Usage (command line)

For advanced usage, the import/export tool can also be used as a command line tool. Dependencies

The QGIS python classes must be available in the python interpreter.

  • On windows you can use the OSGeo4W environment

  • On linux you can extend the PYTHONPATH pointing to you QGIS installation, for example: export PYTHONPATH=”$PYTHONPATH:/usr/share/qgis/python” Import

Import example

$ python3 plugin/tww_cmd.py interlis_import --xtf_file plugin/teksi_wastewater/tests/data/minimal-dataset-SIA405-ABWASSER.xtf --pgservice pg_tww

Full usage

$ python3 plugin/tww_cmd.py interlis_export --help

usage: tww_cmd.py interlis_export [-h] --xtf_file XTF_FILE [--selection SELECTION] [--export_model {SIA405_ABWASSER_2020_1_LV95,DSS_2020_1_LV95,VSA_KEK_2020_1_LV95}] [--logs_next_to_file]
                                               [--label_scale_pipeline_registry_1_1000] [--label_scale_network_plan_1_500] [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_10000] [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_5000]
                                               [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_2000] [--selected_ids SELECTED_IDS] [--pgservice PGSERVICE] [--pghost PGHOST] [--pgport PGPORT] [--pgdatabase PGDATABASE]
                                               [--pguser PGUSER] [--pgpass PGPASS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xtf_file XTF_FILE   XTF outup file
  --selection SELECTION
                        if provided, limits the export to networkelements that are provided in the selection (comma separated list of ids)
  --export_model {SIA405_ABWASSER_2020_1_LV95,DSS_2020_1_LV95,VSA_KEK_2020_1_LV95}
                        Model to export (default: DSS_2020_1_LV95)
  --logs_next_to_file   Put log files next to XTF output file
                        Export labels in scale 1:1'000, can be combined with other scales (Leitungskataster/Cadastre des conduites souterraines)
                        Export labels in scale 1:500, can be combined with other scales (Werkplan/Plan de reseau)
                        Export labels in scale 1:10'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
                        Export labels in scale 1:5'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
                        Export labels in scale 1:2'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
  --selected_ids SELECTED_IDS
                        If provided, limits the export to networkelements that are provided in the selection (comma separated list of ids)
  --pgservice PGSERVICE
                        Postgres service name
  --pghost PGHOST       Postgres host
  --pgport PGPORT       Postgres port
  --pgdatabase PGDATABASE
                        Postgres database
  --pguser PGUSER       Postgres user
  --pgpass PGPASS       Postgres password Export

Export example

python3 plugin/tww_cmd.py interlis_export --xtf_file "output.xtf" --pgservice pg_tww

Full usage

$ python3 plugin/tww_cmd.py interlis_export --help

usage: tww_cmd.py interlis_export [-h] --xtf_file XTF_FILE [--selection SELECTION] [--export_model {SIA405_ABWASSER_2020_1_LV95,DSS_2020_1_LV95,VSA_KEK_2020_1_LV95}] [--logs_next_to_file]
                                               [--label_scale_pipeline_registry_1_1000] [--label_scale_network_plan_1_500] [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_10000] [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_5000]
                                               [--label_scale_overviewmap_1_2000] [--selected_ids SELECTED_IDS] [--pgservice PGSERVICE] [--pghost PGHOST] [--pgport PGPORT] [--pgdatabase PGDATABASE]
                                               [--pguser PGUSER] [--pgpass PGPASS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xtf_file XTF_FILE   XTF outup file
  --selection SELECTION
                        if provided, limits the export to networkelements that are provided in the selection (comma separated list of ids)
  --export_model {SIA405_ABWASSER_2020_1_LV95,DSS_2020_1_LV95,VSA_KEK_2020_1_LV95}
                        Model to export (default: DSS_2020_1_LV95)
  --logs_next_to_file   Put log files next to XTF output file
                        Export labels in scale 1:1'000, can be combined with other scales (Leitungskataster/Cadastre des conduites souterraines)
                        Export labels in scale 1:500, can be combined with other scales (Werkplan/Plan de reseau)
                        Export labels in scale 1:10'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
                        Export labels in scale 1:5'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
                        Export labels in scale 1:2'000, can be combined with other scales (Uebersichtsplan/Plan d'ensemble)
  --selected_ids SELECTED_IDS
                        If provided, limits the export to networkelements that are provided in the selection (comma separated list of ids)
  --pgservice PGSERVICE
                        Postgres service name
  --pghost PGHOST       Postgres host
  --pgport PGPORT       Postgres port
  --pgdatabase PGDATABASE
                        Postgres database
  --pguser PGUSER       Postgres user
  --pgpass PGPASS       Postgres password

4.4.5. Quality control Quality control with VSA online checker (Fachprüfung mit VSA Checker (online))


For details see explanation on the VSA Homepage

Information about access and licensing you can get here