
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
obj_id varchar 16 tww_app.generate_oid('tww_od'::text, 'sia405cc_cable'::text)

INTERLIS STANDARD OID (with Postfix/Präfix), see

name_number text 2147483647 null

/ z.B. Kabelpunktanfang_Kabelpunkteende / xxx_z.B. Point_cableanfang_Point_cableeende

function int4 10 null
sia405cc_cable_function.code fkey_vl_sia405cc_cable_function R
cable_type int4 10 null
sia405cc_cable_cable_type.code fkey_vl_sia405cc_cable_cable_type R

Cable type / Kabelart / Genre de cable

horizontal_positioning int4 10 null
sia405cc_cable_horizontal_positioning.code fkey_vl_sia405cc_cable_horizontal_positioning R
status int4 10 null
sia405cc_cable_status.code fkey_vl_sia405cc_cable_status R
installation_year int2 5 null
sur_plus_cover numeric 4,1 null
condition text 2147483647 null
remark text 2147483647 null
width int2 5 null
geometry3d_geometry geometry 2147483647 null
elevation_determination int4 10 null
sia405cc_cable_elevation_determination.code fkey_vl_sia405cc_cable_elevation_determination R
depth int2 5 null

Extension 3D, depth (height) of an object mm. / Erweiterung 3D, Mächtigkeit (Höhe) eines Objektes mm. / Extension 3D, épaisseur (hauteur) d’un objet mm.

last_modification timestamp 29,6 now()

Last modification / Letzte_Aenderung / Derniere_modification: INTERLIS_1_DATE

fk_dataowner varchar 16 null
organisation.obj_id rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataowner R

Foreignkey to Metaattribute dataowner (as an organisation) - this is the person or body who is allowed to delete, change or maintain this object / Metaattribut Datenherr ist diejenige Person oder Stelle, die berechtigt ist, diesen Datensatz zu löschen, zu ändern bzw. zu verwalten / Maître des données gestionnaire de données, qui est la personne ou l’organisation autorisée pour gérer, modifier ou supprimer les données de cette table/classe

fk_provider varchar 16 null
organisation.obj_id rel_od_sia405cc_cable_fk_dataprovider R

Foreignkey to Metaattribute provider (as an organisation) - this is the person or body who delivered the data / Metaattribut Datenlieferant ist diejenige Person oder Stelle, die die Daten geliefert hat / FOURNISSEUR DES DONNEES Organisation qui crée l’enregistrement de ces données

fk_owner varchar 16 null
organisation.obj_id rel_cable_owner N


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pkey_tww_od_sia405cc_cable_obj_id Primary key Asc obj_id
in_od_sia405cc_cable_name_number Must be unique Asc/Asc name_number + fk_dataowner
in_tww_sia405cc_cable_geometry3d_geometry Performance Asc geometry3d_geometry

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
_condition_length_max_40 ((char_length(condition) <= 40))
_name_number_length_max_40 ((char_length(name_number) <= 40))
_remark_length_max_80 ((char_length(remark) <= 80))
