3.3.3. Adding or Editing of Maintenance Events

This represents a guide on how to add or edit maintenance event data in TWW. General

  • Maintenance events can be connected to one structure or to many. Therefore TWW uses a intermediary RE_table to model the n:m relationship (re_maintenance_event_wastewater_structure) Adding a new Maintenance Event

  • Enable the edit mode.

  • With the Identify Features tool you can select wastewater_structures or reaches by selecting their corresponding layer (vw_tww_wastewater_structure or vw_tww_reach).

  • The respective form will open. Change to the Maintenance tab.

  • Create a new maintenance event with the Add child feature button.

  • Edit the new record in the vw_tww_maintenance form, then click OK

../../_images/maintenance_new_record_saved.jpg Editing

  • Do as described in adding - but just edit existing maintenance events. Or edit the vw_tww_maintenance table (layer group inspection) Multi Edit

Multi edit with linked tables is implemented in QGIS. It is possible to create or to link a maintenance event to a selection of reaches or wastewater structures im multiedit-mode.