
-1 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
obj_id varchar 16 tww_app.generate_oid('tww_od'::text, 'catchment_area_text'::text)

INTERLIS STANDARD OID (with Postfix/Präfix), see

classname text 2147483647 null

Name of class that textclass is related to / Name der Klasse zu der die Textklasse gehört / nom de la classe à laquelle appartient la classe de texte

plantype int4 10 null
catchment_area_text_plantype.code fkey_vl_catchment_area_text_plantype R
remark text 2147483647 null

General remarks

text text 2147483647 null

Value composed of attribute values, multiple lines possible / Aus Attributwerten zusammengesetzter Wert, mehrzeilig möglich / valeur calculée à partir d’attributs, plusieurs lignes possible

texthali int2 5 null
catchment_area_text_texthali.code fkey_vl_catchment_area_text_texthali R
textori numeric 4,1 null
textpos_geometry geometry 2147483647 null
textvali int2 5 null
catchment_area_text_textvali.code fkey_vl_catchment_area_text_textvali R
last_modification timestamp 29,6 now()

Last modification / Letzte_Aenderung / Derniere_modification: INTERLIS_1_DATE

fk_catchment_area varchar 16 null
catchment_area.obj_id rel_catchment_area_text_catchment_area C


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
pkey_tww_od_catchment_area_text_obj_id Primary key Asc obj_id
in_tww_catchment_area_text_textpos_geometry Performance Asc textpos_geometry

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
cx_remark_length_max_80 ((char_length(remark) <= 80))
cx_classname_length_max_50 ((char_length(classname) <= 50))
